Kharas o Morn Sigil

Kharas Crist-Erui:
Called First Sword of Morn Sigil, he is more hunter than warrior, and all the ways of the forest are his own. He speaks very seldom, very softly, and most often in Sindarin - he can understand the Common Speech, but does not use it easily. Fearless in the wilderness, he is shy in social situations, but laughs easily, and loves to make his solemn soul-twin laugh too. Neither the past or the future concern him much; he lives fully in the present moment, and his memories of earlier days are vague.

The weavers bestowed upon him the powers of Earth, which he uses almost instinctively, with little conscious awareness of doing so. He has no understanding of the principles of magick, but he does not need to understand them. Since his body was built for him out of the Limbo forces, he carries no scars from the countless battles Kharas once fought, and his magickal resistance is so high that it is difficult even to heal him except by the magick of Limbo.

His movement is a dance of incredible grace; his stillness is the stillness of stone, and his eyes are filled with the glimmer of starlight. Like Duathir, he is proficient with all weapons - shortsword and dagger are his usual choice, and he also much favors the Elvish bow. He is bonded with the giant snow-cat ~Cataclysm~, and they often hunt together through the forest nights.

Innate abilities:

~Enhanced physical strength and agility.
~Enhanced resistance/immunity to most magick
~Empathic/telepathic bond with animals.
~Summon and control earth elementals.
~Sense and alter patterns in rock and trees.
~Cause or halt rockslides or earthquakes.

Magick items:

Flute of Remembrance: A small flute on a braided silk cord, given to him by his lover Zhaunil, that when played comforts sorrow and brings memory of sweet things.

Armour of Dragonscale, made by the weavers from the scales of the black dragon Sierenth.

The Morn Sigil Saga